Going to be a long night and day tomorrow. Hoping I won't have to say goodbye to my best friend.


Mar 3, 2011
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Louisville KY
Hardiness Zone
United States
Larkin 2.5 years ago we had to put down our dog who was 10 years old. He had developed diabetes at age 5 and it required a lot of special care and was quite expensive, but you really can't put a price on what joy he gave us. One day in October he wasn't feeling well and we watched him over the weekend and come Sunday night we had made the decision that we would probably have to put him down come Monday We took him to the vet and they basically said there was nothing else they could do for him, his organs were just beginning to shut down. We decided it would be best to put him out of his misery, not sure if he was suffering but we didn't want him to if he was. The vet had asked us if we just wanted to say our goodbyes and then they would take him in the back and administer the drug that puts them to sleep. My wife and I had talked about it over the weekend when we thought we might have to do this, and had decided that we would be there for the entire procedure and watch the vet administer the drug. We did indeed do this and although it was extremely difficult it was the right decision for us, it allowed us to see him take his last breath and we were there with him till the end. It was quite an emotional event. You see we don't have kids and our dog was like our kid, he was quite spoiled but was a great dog and best friend.

We decided to have him cremated and have his urn sitting on the fireplace mantel next to a digital picture frame with all pics of him that play.
Mar 20, 2011
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near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
I totally agree, you cannot put a price on friendship. Sometimes our animals cost us lots of money, but in the end it's the friend that we are saving. Lots of heart warming stories in this thread. My daughter was 10, got her first GOOD horse the year before, and they bonded, did everything together, and she was reaching for the all-around trophy that year with Skipper. Came home to find him sick, we could tell he was not right. Call vet, did a check and said he was compacted in his intestines and could not poop - colic. Horses only have one stomach, cannot vomit, so if they cannot pass their food, they are a gonner. Vet gave him a shot for the pain, told us to walk him, which we did. Vet came back 3 hours later, and still no poop. If you have horses, you know they poop constantly, at least every hour. So, we were given the decision take him to the University of Illinois vet hospital, or put him down. Husband said, "You can buy another horse for far less than it's going to cost to take him to the U of I!" I told him, "Then you come and tell Sarah that you decided that's what we will do. I will back you up." He could not do that, she was bawling her eyes out. $5,000 later, and 19 of the 20 days spent in intensive care, surgery to remove the blockage, and he came home and fully recovered to be the best horse she ever had. She just had his put to sleep last fall. He no longer had any chewing teeth, and was losing weight fast. He was 27. Great memories, that's what we take with us from our loved animals. Never forget the good times, and know that you have done everything you can for them. Animals NEVER hold a grudge, they trust we do what is best for them. Rest assured, Larkin, that your Endy trusts you with all her heart!


True friends just call me Larkin
Mar 23, 2011
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Hammond LA USA
Hardiness Zone
Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. Endy is fighting. She's still eating drinking and taking care of her business on her own. Had a lot of problems giving her her medication tonight. someone on another forum suggested I try putting her medication in a spoon of yogurt. She has always liked Keylime yogurt so I went and got some to try, got her to eat a half a container and her medications. She even got up and took a walk to the pond and watched the fish for a bit before coming inside. She's back asleep now. Got her wrapped up in a fleece blanket in her favorite chair in front of my desk so I can watch her closely.
Touching stories to read. She's been in and out of the vet every month for the last two years. I'll be relieved that I won't have to see her go through the seizures anymore, and financially it will be a relief but she will be greatly missed when the time comes. You know we lost another dog just two weeks ago and Johnny our lab when we first moved here. yet China our pug is soon to be 13 deaf, and blind and still kicking strong. I figured she would be the first to go. Guess you really never know.
Again, thank you for kind thoughts and they are appreciated very much!
Aug 1, 2012
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Central Florida
/hugs to you and your family Larkin. I'm glad to hear she's happy. Our first Belgian Tervuren developed epilepsy, it is a horrid and cruel disease to watch progress in our furry friends. We lost Gin much the same way you are loosing Endy. We found real mayonnaise to be good for giving her seizure meds. And, we cooked down a whole chicken in the pressure cooker until it was mush, and that was her food. It was extremely rich, but she was only eating a very little. Dogs actually like spicy food, so adding some spice will help with meds and appetite.


Apr 28, 2011
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NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
Hardiness Zone
United States
Sorry to hear, but be comforted knowing she had a good life with you, and is no longer suffering. Thinking about you!


water gardener / gold fish and shubunkins
Jun 23, 2010
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Frederick, Maryland
Hardiness Zone
United States
So sorry to hear, she is at peace now. Sending you hugs in your time of need.


mad hatter
May 1, 2012
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Medicine Hat Alberta, Canada (zone 2/3)
Hardiness Zone
That's so sad, it makes me think of my beautiful Sadie, she sadly passed away 15 months ago, just before Christmas last year. Me and my hubby cried our hearts out for her so hearing about your loss brings sad memories and tears to my eyes. Life has not been the same without my Sadie, she was the smartest dog I ever had, maybe too smart.... I got her puppies, Poppy and Bear, thank goodness, cause they helped me get over her loss. Why do our little four legged friends touch us so deeply? I think they are our family, and we grieve like we lost a child. My friend at work lost her old dog and she said her husband cried harder than when he lost his mom. Our doggy friends are our life, they sleep beside us, they are there when we wake up, they sit beside us at the table and share our food, we take them on vacations, we take them to the park every day, they are our everything, they never complain, they love us always, and so when they are gone, it is a very sad day for the whole family.
Oct 9, 2012
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Hardiness Zone
United Kingdom
It reminds me of our Dillon a 13 year old cat who webt to the vets with fluid on his lungs ( it turned out to be fluid in the heart sack,)so from being told yes you can collect him on the monday and put him on heat tablets for the rest of his life to stone cold dead.
The vet releaved the fluid around his heart and a massive heart attack happened he never recoverd he was my comstant shadow where he was I was he'd wait at the gate on shopping days ready to great us ( oh man I'm tearing up again .
When the phone rang as well as the mobile I knew I just knew !!!....
I was like a bull bellowing with heart break Val was the same.
Two years later we had to take Pepsi in to the vet and the lady vet who had operated was the duty vet , I thanked her for all she had done for Dillon and at that she teared up ( I've never seen a vet do that before).
Dillon was cremated and his remains put in an urn along with his sister Dusty, when I sit on the settee he is directly above me on a shelf, so he is still close.
Two tailed Jack is now my shadow but hes got more brains than Dillon ({ you could see the cogs whirring with Dillon lol
We know though it is our lot to out live our pets and have the heartache each and everytime, its what makes us human




I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
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Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Very sorry for you Larkin and glad she did not suffer. Rest in peace sweet Endy.

I lost a treasured friend today
The little dog who used to lay
Her gentle head upon my knee
And share her silent thoughts with me...
She'll come no longer to my call
Retrieve no more her favorite ball
A voice far greater than my own
Has called her to His golden throne.
Although my eyes are filled with tears,
I thank Him for the happy years
He let her spend down here with me
And for her love and loyalty.
When it is time for me to go
And join her there, this much I know...
I shall not fear the transient dark
For she will greet me with her bark.

Author unknown


They call me Ryan
Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Indianola Iowa zone 5a-5b
Very sorry to hear this. I'm crying myself. I have never been close with a dog until we got our Mr. Gunner. We couldn't stand the thought of him spending the night at the vet when he got fixed so the vet let us take him home that day but gave us really strick instructions on not to play with him.
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
near Effingham, Illinois
Hardiness Zone
Colleen nailed it when she said "they never complain, they love us always". So very true! When have you had a dog have surgery, and mope around and want extra care? Seems like never. They are bouncing back from surgeries we as humans seems to need days if not weeks or months to recuperate. They forever give us love, even if we are in a bad mood one day. They seem to want to help us get through the anger, with their soft wet noses against our hands. Odds are we will lose them before they lose us, but that's the consequence we get when we take them into our care. Does it make it any easier, nope ... but it does let us know that we can do all we can as their early caretakers while we have them, and that's enough for them. :razz:

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