I have this sort of stringy/slimey algae in my pond since I have not been on top of cleaning it this summer, and I'm wondering if there is any benefit or detriment to leaving it or removing it as fall/winter approaches? If it's better to leave it, I can, but if it's just going to die and cause water conditions to deteriorate, I'll remove it before I cover the pond. I'm also not sure how soon I need to bring in my plants (zone 5a, southern Vermont): chameleon plant, water forget-me-not, marsh marigold, watercress. The forget-me-not and watercress is still very small/not well established. All of them except the marsh marigold are in pots, so easy to bring in. The marsh marigold is in the upper pool in pea gravel, which will freeze totally solid, so I assume it needs to come in, or perhaps be moved to the main pond, which I heat just enough to keep from freezing in the winter? Pics of algae below.