Brokensword's bit of pond heaven [Deleted]

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Jun 22, 2011
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Hardiness Zone
United States
2011 Original pond build

I don't have any starting from scratch; this one shows the patio just put in and the main hold dug. This view shows where the waterfall will eventually be. Originally, I had it at the top of the mini-stream, feeding into bog v1 (which changed).

2011-07-04 at 13-40-46.jpg

reverse angle view

2011-07-04 at 13-42-37.jpg

hard at work (or is that; hardly working!) on the berm

2011-07-04 at 13-43-22.jpg

beginning to erect pondhouse walls

2011-07-09 at 17-21-14.jpg

wall raising; had help with my stepdaughter who was visiting and my son (not pictured)

2011-07-09 at 17-58-39.jpg

walls up; ready to create the lattice ceiling/pergola

2011-07-12 at 19-54-29.jpg

pergola top done, rocks waiting to be placed

2011-07-18 at 18-48-38 (1).jpg

I didn't take any of putting in the liner so on to some finished portions; the mini-stream and bog v1 at it's head.

2011-07-27 at 08-28-12.jpg

bog v1; basic design is 40" down, liner, 4" corrugated drain pipe/tile/tubing with slits cut 1/3 the way through every 6"
then large 8" round stone the first 12", 2" cobble stone the next 12", and 3/8" pea gravel for the final 12". I used the 4" drain tile on a downward slant to a DIY snorkel (made from a bunch of pails with bottoms cut out and stacked). One note, which I did not do on this first build, is to slant the bog walls to a point, like the letter V, so the water will all move toward this snorkel if ever needing to be cleaned out/backflushed. The bottom of the bog hole has a 4" trench dug so after laying in the liner, the 4" drain tile lays in this trench and is now the lowest point from one end of the bog (inlet) to the snorkel lowest point (outlet). I used the pails stacked because I could easily get a sump pump down into it.

2011-08-01 at 19-59-53.jpg

initial waterfall; I didn't change it the first year, but from 2012 to 2019, I tweaked it at least 6 times.

Also, not the gray pvc bar cutting the pond in half; the original idea for this whole pond thing was so I had someplace to put my 2 painted turtles the kids and I raised from small versions to adult. Everything else just followed! This gray bar is actually the top of a plastic fence/grid to keep the turtles on one side and any fish, on the other. I didn't know much then so I thought the fish would end up turtle food and didn't want that to happen. At this time, I didn't know that a) turtles can climb! and b) fish are too fast, unless sick, for turtles to catch and eat! So I made the pond half for each.
2011-08-01 at 19-59-57.jpg

showing first bit of iris, marsh marigold and water lilies

2011-08-01 at 20-00-07.jpg

overview of August 2011 pond

2011-08-04 at 18-40-07.jpg

closer view; the divider is more easily seen in this pic

2011-08-04 at 18-41-09.jpg

initial bog plantings

2011-08-04 at 18-41-22.jpg

from the doorway

2011-08-13 at 16-35-04.jpg

the water lettuce were HUGE this year...

2011-08-17 at 13-45-24.jpg

these were the original turtles and the reason for doing all this; Ruth and Ethel

2011-08-27 at 16-02-35.jpg
2011-08-27 at 16-06-32.jpg

waterfall v1

2011-08-27 at 16-08-20.jpg
Last edited:
Jun 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
United States
part 2 of initial pond build 2011

our stow-away first frog for the pond; I put the two turtles in a kiddie pool on the driveway for the summer while I built the pond and figured maybe I'd put some cattails in there for them and must have had a tadpole hitchhike in. We named him Kermit, despite finding out later that 'he' was a 'she'. Worked for us!

2011-08-27 at 16-12-29.jpg

first shubby and a comet

2011-08-27 at 16-14-19.jpg

final build view from the outside

pondhouse pano.jpg
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I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Beautiful pix and build and love that you have that patio in there! Where are the rest of the years? Where's your little sword guy....................I keep forgettin! Love your turtles, frogs, fish and all the pretty blooms and plants!

Ok I see you are still adding the years as 2018 just popped up!

I remembered :love:

Jun 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
United States
pond expansion 2019

behind original pond and house, this is where we begin digging...

190412 - pond pano + pond rebuild step 1 4.jpg

my son and I pretending to work really hard...

190426 - pond 2 - initial and final dig 16.jpg

posts for frame

190504 - pond 2 build - foundation and posts 10.jpg

looking through pondhouse at the expansion dig

190504 - pond 2 build - foundation and posts 20.jpg

walls going up...

190511 - pond 2 build - rafter lattice 2.jpg

framing out the bog v2 wall with 4x4s

190517 - prepping for bog 1.jpg

bog framed out

190518 - pond2 build - framing bog 1.jpg

liner put into bog and pond expansion half

190528 - pond 2 build - filling 1.jpg

filling expansion side

190528 - pond 2 build - filling 3.jpg

sandstone facia for bog wall; I cut each into approx 4" width pieces

190603 - pond 2 build - 01wfall wall.jpg

4" drain tile with slits cut 1/3 the way through every 6" laid in, then first layer of large 8" stone. The rubbermaid trashcan is to be my new snorkel; it's at the lowest bog point and has 4" holes cut out at the bottom.

190603 - pond 2 build4 - 4 bog layer 1 rock 3.jpg

second layer of stone (2" cobble)

190603 - pond 2 build6 - 6 bog layer 2 rock 2.jpg

last layer, 3/8" pea gravel

190604 - pond 2 build - bog layer 3 rock.jpg

finished bog

190609 - weeping wfall wall test.jpg

plants from the other side + from bog v1 put into bog

190619 - b2 3.jpg

view from the original side

190619 - p1 interior prior to transfer s side.jpg

floaters added to help cycle the water (all of which came from my well)

190623 - b2 3.jpg

beginning to clear out the landscaping on the original side preparatory to digging the two ponds together; there's about 3' of soil between original and expansion parts.

190629 - final p1 pics + transfer of S side 09.jpg

wider view of same; rocks along perimeter have been stacked on the patio. It got quite tight for space trying to finish from here.

190629 - final p1 pics + transfer of S side 11.jpg

original waterfall taken down, fish caught and put in expansion side

190629 - prep for final dig day, M & E 4.jpg
Last edited:
Jun 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hardiness Zone
United States
pond expansion 2019 part 2

expansion side with fish, showing water movement and depth of pond2 and half unrolled liner waiting

190629 - prep for final dig day, M & E 9.jpg

surveying what I wrought; don't look too happy but I'm just tired as I hadn't done any digging/pond building for 8 years and now, I'm in my 60s! Time to fix up all the first dig's mistakes, etc; at least the old liner is out!

190629 - prep for final dig day, M & E 12.jpg

laying down conc slabs to make the shelves flatter and more supportive

190630 - rfinal dig day, M & E 03.jpg

view of progress, showing expansion side and the bridge of dirt that still divides one pond from another

190630 - rfinal dig day, M & E 05.jpg

digging out the divider; shows how little width of wall is between

190630 - rfinal dig day, M & E 09.jpg

We could only dig halfway down WITH lowering the water in pond 2

190630 - rfinal dig day, M & E 17.jpg

beginning to fill; only did up to the divider berm, then the next couple of days, filled it up proper

190630 - vbegin fill up 03.jpg
190630 - vbegin fill up 06.jpg

begin working on the new waterfall area; first pic shows liner only

190703 - working on wfs 1.jpg

second pic shows the start of the build using conc slabs as my base

190703 - working on wfs 6.jpg

third pic shows completion of waterfall1 and half done with waterfall2 and working on patio re-edge

190703 - working on wfs 8.jpg

finished the falls

190706 - pond finish 2.jpg


190719 = pond current.jpg


I Love my Goldies
Feb 1, 2010
Reaction score
Arlington, Washington
Hardiness Zone
United States
Oh my aching back! How long did it take to recover old man? :p
Just kiddin, and it turned out great! It's huge now!

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