Hi all
I am wondering if it is safe to grow lotus in pots and small pond areas without filtration or cleaning out the old water every year. There are no fish involved. ( I do hear/see signs of frogs/toads.) In past years, I would remove the tubers from their containers in the fall, protected them over winter, and start them in a fresh set up in the Spring. I used Bt Dunks against mosquitos and fertilized with Osmocote wrapped in newspapers. I never used any filtration or circulating system and only added water as needed. There were no problems with smell
This past fall (2022), however, I just let the lotus die back and left everything "as is" in their containers out in the yard with no special protection. Now, this spring, there are new leaves beginning to poke through the layers of dried and rotting old leaves. I am wondering if I can just add water as needed to keep the water level up and skip cleaning out the plant debris for a couple of years.
Is this safe? My main concerns are if this will promote some dangerous bacteria growth and/or if there will be an awful, far reaching smell come summer. I don't care how the water looks. Thanks for any help
I live in Maryland Zone 7a
The first photo demonstrates how things looked in prior springs after tubers were brought out of storage and planted in new soil and water. The second photo is how things look this spring after the whole lotus plants were left in their containers over winter.
I am wondering if it is safe to grow lotus in pots and small pond areas without filtration or cleaning out the old water every year. There are no fish involved. ( I do hear/see signs of frogs/toads.) In past years, I would remove the tubers from their containers in the fall, protected them over winter, and start them in a fresh set up in the Spring. I used Bt Dunks against mosquitos and fertilized with Osmocote wrapped in newspapers. I never used any filtration or circulating system and only added water as needed. There were no problems with smell
This past fall (2022), however, I just let the lotus die back and left everything "as is" in their containers out in the yard with no special protection. Now, this spring, there are new leaves beginning to poke through the layers of dried and rotting old leaves. I am wondering if I can just add water as needed to keep the water level up and skip cleaning out the plant debris for a couple of years.
Is this safe? My main concerns are if this will promote some dangerous bacteria growth and/or if there will be an awful, far reaching smell come summer. I don't care how the water looks. Thanks for any help
I live in Maryland Zone 7a
The first photo demonstrates how things looked in prior springs after tubers were brought out of storage and planted in new soil and water. The second photo is how things look this spring after the whole lotus plants were left in their containers over winter.