While searching for suggestions, I came across this forum. Built backyard pond last spring 2009 (approximately 26X18 and 3ft deep in shallow end and 5ft at deeper end). Placed 7 fish in late summer (4 kois and 3 shubumkins). They all survived the winter! We lost two later this spring 2010 as we had to take them out to make pond adjustments. I subsequently added 5 catfish, 6 kois, placed water lilies and hyacinths this summer and all was well. I have not seen catfish since they were added, and have counted 9 fish about 7" long (not sure how many of each koi and shubumkins). There have also been 30 new editions, yes babies! In October I donned my water boots and went in the pond (brrrrr) to cut off the foliage of the water lilies for winter prep. A week later, I noticed water level lowering. In another week I was sure there was a leek. Now the shallow end is only about 12-18 inches! HELP!!!!!!! Not sure it has reached its lowest level yet and it is getting colder and colder. Friend told me there is enough water for them to survive with a heater placed in the deep end. I am attached to all 9 and 30 and don't want to loose any! HELP. Sorry for such long initial thread but I am really anxious as the weather is against me.