I have a simple round pond, and a simple all-in-one pump-filter-fountain. I was wondering whether to plonk the pump on the bottom of the pond (90cm deep) so that it maximises water circulation, or whether to raise it. I thought perhaps raising it would mean that water at the bottom wouldnt circulate as much.
I read the FAQ for pond construction and it said dont put pump on bottom, but from what I gather this is because if there is a leak in the pipework it would drain the pump all the way to bottom. But this isnt applicable for my setup as there is no pipework and the fountain isnt powerful enough to spray the water out of the pond.
I read the FAQ for pond construction and it said dont put pump on bottom, but from what I gather this is because if there is a leak in the pipework it would drain the pump all the way to bottom. But this isnt applicable for my setup as there is no pipework and the fountain isnt powerful enough to spray the water out of the pond.