If you added a bog filter it would help cut down on most of the maintenance.
If it's sized correctly, it should be the only filter you will need. It will look like a garden planter.
If my calculations are correct, you would need 9 square feet of bog to achieve the 30% goal.
The recommended size is the bog's surface area should be at least 30% of the pond's surface area.
So, any configuration that will give you 9 square feet would be great.
For example, you could build a 2 foot wide trough along the back by 5 feet wide to match the pond wall. That will give you 10 square feet of bog.
It should be about 15-16 inches deep and hold 12 inches of pea gravel.
Water gets pumped into a pvc pipe with slits cut in it. That pipe is covered with pea gravel. The water rises up through the gravel and out of that really nice waterfall weir you have there.
Plants are grown directly in the bog, no soil, no pots. The plants thrive and live off the excess nutrients from the fish waste. The gravel has lots of surface area for beneficial bacteria to colonize in. So, thanks to the beneficial bacteria and the plants, we have clear water and no cleaning of filter pads.