Small Berm Building

Apr 14, 2022
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United States
Hey guys.

I have a small, 250 gallon pond that I built myself. I’ve been having problems with it and a lot of people on this site recommended me building a berm around the edge of my pond. I tried that and it utterly failed. It failed so bad to the point where that was a month ago and I’ve just let my pond look like crap out of frustration. I’m now ready to get back at it and make my pond beautiful again.

When I tried to build the berm, all I did was just mound up some dirt I had all around the pond. The very first rain after I did that washed all of it away and just made the pond uglier than it’s ever been. So I was wondering if I could receive any tips on properly building a small berm. I’ve attached images from when I built the berm and then after the rain washed it away.

My main theory is that I probably should’ve tamped all the dirt down to compact it? I don’t know, I’m a rookie.

Any help would be appreciated, thank you. I received great help on my last post and that meant a lot to me.



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Apr 28, 2011
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NW Louisiana -- zone 8b
Hardiness Zone
United States
You mentioned that you have clay soil. You might also have a high water table. This was my problem. That and the fact that the clay soil “slumped” (and yes, I compacted it first) around the edges. Building the berm up properly so that your water level is at or slightly above ground level will/might help with “water hippos.” (every pond is different)

Now, in your case, I have no idea what to tell you to do, or how to do it — every situation is different. With my pond, we deconstructed it and built a “collar” all around the perimeter. This brought the water level up by several inches once the liner was back in place. It also stabilized the pond edge and prevented the slumping. The pressure of water pressing against the liner from inside kept the water from pushing up underneath the liner. You may or may not have enough extra liner to do much.

It seems to be the how-to that you are having problems with, but maybe this will help. It was more work, but made a 100% improvement for us.

OOOPS! Pressed ”save” instead of “preview” :rolleyes:



May 15, 2019
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Hardiness Zone
United States
What is the berm for, keeping water in or out? Whatever the case it needs to be protected/covered to prevent washouts. Tamping does help also. I had to build a berm on my down slope to level my pond. I went over the top and as far down as I could with the liner which was then covered with rock. Natural berms could also be covered with sod if it is a matter of diverting run off from you lawn.
Apr 14, 2022
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United States
What is the berm for, keeping water in or out? Whatever the case it needs to be protected/covered to prevent washouts. Tamping does help also. I had to build a berm on my down slope to level my pond. I went over the top and as far down as I could with the liner which was then covered with rock. Natural berms could also be covered with sod if it is a matter of diverting run off from you lawn.
I need to keep water out. I’ve attached the link to my past post showing what all people were explaining to me. Whenever it rains, water gets under my pond and it was explained to me that I essentially designed it to be like that by having the pond at too low of a level.

Water Under Liner
Dec 16, 2017
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Hardiness Zone
United States
Sorry things didn't pan out for you . but if you truly want to make your set up beautiful then you need to learn how to make and edge and how to hide the liner . your rocks are to small to properly do as your asking making a berm and doing it correctly but the good news is it is not hard to do . What you'll need is literally two to three times the amount of edging rocks that you have now. bigger than what you have preferably .

go to you tube and try two sites one is advanced
1. Drain the pond down about a foot
2. Remove all the rocks along the ponds edge on one side and half of the front so you can fold the liner inward.
3. Then you want to create the shelf that is closest to the surface in the picture and in your case i would only make it like 2 to 4 inches below the water line. you do this by digging the soil down from where it drops down into the water to the edge of the now edging rocks show in the picture. i would make it so that this shelf leans away from the center of the pond so your rocks don't roll into the pond but will want to roll into the wall, when you go to put them back.
4. once you have dug the shelf pull the liner back then repeat on the front and the other side of the pond .
5. I would then stack the rocks on the shelf you just made . and then place a second layer of rocks onto the lower level of rocks that are now sitting on the shelf but when the water is added these rocks will be hiding the liner . and the liner is now underwater but rocks when put back in should be just poking up above the water line.
6. place a second row of similar sized rocks onto the lower lever rocks now hopefully your at least 4 inches higher then the grade around the pond.
7. fold the liner up against your stacked rocks and then build a third row of rocks pinching the liner between the stacked rocks that your built that are in the pond and the now row of rocks that will be outside the pond but are holding the liner up.
8. now pack your soil up against the outside rocks . the soils can't get into the pond because the liner is higher then the grade outside the pond and the rocks are holding it in place. or grab some bags of gravel what ever size shape and color that you like and make your berm with them .


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Jul 12, 2009
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Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania
Hardiness Zone
Lower your water so you can work at the waters edge.
Lift the liner.
Create a shallow shelf just at the water's edge.
Create a berm on the ground just a bit higher than the average ground level.
Now lay the liner back down onto the shallow shelf and up over the berm.

Lay your stones in the shallow shelf. They should be partially submerged when you refill the pond.
Lay more stones stepped back on the ground.
Lay more stones on top of those stones stepped back away from the pond.
Keep adding stones on top of those as needed to hide the liner.
Refill the pond.

Your liner will be hidden and you'll have a hidden berm under the liner that can't wash away.
The partially submerged stones will give it a natural looking edge. You won't see any liner.

Hope this makes sense.
Dec 16, 2017
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Hardiness Zone
United States
Lower your water so you can work at the waters edge.
Lift the liner.
Create a shallow shelf just at the water's edge.
Create a berm on the ground just a bit higher than the average ground level.
Now lay the liner back down onto the shallow shelf and up over the berm.

Lay your stones in the shallow shelf. They should be partially submerged when you refill the pond.
Lay more stones stepped back on the ground.
Lay more stones on top of those stones stepped back away from the pond.
Keep adding stones on top of those as needed to hide the liner.
Refill the pond.

Your liner will be hidden and you'll have a hidden berm under the liner that can't wash away.
The partially submerged stones will give it a natural looking edge. You won't see any liner.

Hope this makes sense.
If not, there's now two with the same step by step. Watch you tube pond builds to clarify the text
Apr 14, 2022
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United States
I think I get it. Am I adding shelves by digging the pond further out or by adding dirt back into it?
Jul 12, 2009
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Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania
Hardiness Zone
I think I get it. Am I adding shelves by digging the pond further out or by adding dirt back into it?
I would say dig them out of what is there already. This way you're dealing with solid, already compacted soil and you're not trying to pack loose soil which would probably easily fall apart.

Of course, it all depends on how much extra liner you have. That's one reason we tell people not to cut any excess liner. Just fold it and tuck it. You never know when you need more liner.

You don't need much depth. Just enough to sit stones on so the stones are only partially submerged.
I always try to pitch the shelves slightly away from the pond so the stones can't slide into the water. They shouldn't move, but I'd rather play it safe.

Your pond will look much more natural without all that exposed liner.
Dec 16, 2017
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Hardiness Zone
United States
After the two step by step lists above. It should help but in red in the attached photo is where i would create your shelves.
drain the water
roll the rocks off the liner around the pond
fold back the liner
dig the area in red down 2 to 4 inches below the water level with the shelf angled away from the center of the pond so your rocks roll into the wall you just created.
replace the liner build your rock wall on the liner
fold the liner to where it is at least two inches higher than the grade around the pond id try for 6"
roll the old edging rocks up against your new pond wall of rocks hiding the liner and these will now hold the edging up so run off can't get in the pond . add compacted soil or gravel and your done

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