Hello everyone,
I live on the North side of Atlanta, GA, and we're setting up an aquaponics system. We've got a greenhoused 500ish gal tilapia "pond" with a swirl filter for large particle settling which flows into a breeder tank then into a filter tank. We're in the last stages of planning for our grow beds which we will have up and running this spring. We're planning to pump water from the pond up to a 12' x 3' grow bed filled with hydroton clay growth media which will drain into an identical grow bed using an ebb and flow system. This will drain into a sump whose main goal is to minimize water level disturbance in the tilapia pond, and then the water goes right back to the pond. If all goes well, we'll be eating fish and fresh veggies like mad and selling/giving away the excess.
I've just joined here to ask questions and get advice from pond experts. Right now, I'm hoping to find a source of duckweed nearby b/c Tilapia really like eating the stuff. I'm looking forward to the interesting conversations we're all sure to have.
I live on the North side of Atlanta, GA, and we're setting up an aquaponics system. We've got a greenhoused 500ish gal tilapia "pond" with a swirl filter for large particle settling which flows into a breeder tank then into a filter tank. We're in the last stages of planning for our grow beds which we will have up and running this spring. We're planning to pump water from the pond up to a 12' x 3' grow bed filled with hydroton clay growth media which will drain into an identical grow bed using an ebb and flow system. This will drain into a sump whose main goal is to minimize water level disturbance in the tilapia pond, and then the water goes right back to the pond. If all goes well, we'll be eating fish and fresh veggies like mad and selling/giving away the excess.
I've just joined here to ask questions and get advice from pond experts. Right now, I'm hoping to find a source of duckweed nearby b/c Tilapia really like eating the stuff. I'm looking forward to the interesting conversations we're all sure to have.