I've used the pink panels to build a "rock" face and waterfall on a couple ponds. I glued them with silicone and had access to large amounts of rotten granite (pebbles a bit smaller than BBs), so I then spread clear silicone over the shaped styrofoam (like a model railroad mountain) and pressed the granite into the surface. At any distance, they looked great to me and friends. I had it for 3 years and all still worked fine when we sold the place and it never seemed to bother the fish any.
That's it at the corner of the fence.
I used 2" thick foam in horizontal layers to build the basic shape, then used a coarse wood rasp to shape it. The stream came down over the "rock" and along the length of the area, then into the close end of the pond. That's an artificial Xmas tree in the corner, as there was no room for a tree against the fence. The rest of the rocks are nice granite, I don't know what it is about my wife and I and rocks! Oh, the path is all rotten granite as well. It worked out OK, but really tracked into the house.