You can even design a remote bog or overflow area without extensive modification to the exisitng pond. Dig a hole, make a water feature, bog, etc.. some distance from the pond. Make the highest portion of it level with the exisitng pond. Take a section of garden hose or other flexible tubing and place one end in the big pond, and place the other end in the other water feature. Hide or bury the tube as you wish. It can go over a wall or over rocks, no need to go through the liner. Attach a small pump on the water feature end to draw water through the tube and remove any air. Disconnect the pump. Now, the tubing works as a siphon and should keep both water features at the same level. You are now free to build an overflow on the remote water feature or put your sump pump in that. As water over flows, or is pumped out of the remote water feature, it will draw water from the main pond until both are equal again.
Anytime you remove the tubing from the water, you'll have to reconnect a pump and draw water through it to create the siphon effect again.