So far, once the camera is set up, there is little to no maintenance. I have mine set up on an old bench over looking my little bitty pond. So it is wifi and Bluetooth setup, I don't have to mess with the physical camera itself.
The wifi on it is not real powerful, meaning you need to be a fairly close distance to the camera.
Once set up, you can change your preferences on the menu from the app on your phone. I have mine set up to shoot a picture in combination with a 20 second video.
Even though it is a large 128 gb SD card in the camera, I delete everything daily on it.
I probably was given the camera in June, but did not set it up until the end of August. I didn't really want to go thru the setup process, but finally relented. Once set up, it has been very easy to use.
Here is a picture setup on my little bench in front of the pond.