Lots of eggs


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
PRETTY COOL... i knew the eggs were just massaged out. but i believe, usually the semen is extracted with a syringe. never heard of massaging it out. ( so you just gave your fish a handjob?) lol
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
South/Western Ontario Canada
koiguy1969 said:
PRETTY COOL... i knew the eggs were just massaged out. but i believe, usually the semen is extracted with a syringe. never heard of massaging it out. ( so you just gave your fish a handjob?) lol
Yes, I think it was just perfect timeing, when I touched her belly the eggs literaly shot out, & the same with him, she must have been already releasing the eggs.
At least I was able to choose the nicest male. I'll try to get a pic of him.

Not sure what happend, but I had a good # of young die in the hatch tank last night, I'd say a few hundred.
I wonder if I'm not feeding enough, I'll step it up a bit.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
Sorry:-( Check your ammonia to be safe/rule that out ... how's the temp? too ... just thinking out loud.... I was adding crazy amounts of food (ground pellets) five plus times a day and didnt realize I was underfeeding for awhile ... Before my opps with the DF nympths and filter error, I noticed some eating others, and just thought bigger fish ate smaller fish at that stage ... increased the food and that ended ....
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
South/Western Ontario Canada
capewind said:
Sorry:-( Check your ammonia to be safe/rule that out ... how's the temp? too ... just thinking out loud.... I was adding crazy amounts of food (ground pellets) five plus times a day and didnt realize I was underfeeding for awhile ... Before my opps with the DF nympths and filter error, I noticed some eating others, and just thought bigger fish ate smaller fish at that stage ... increased the food and that ended ....
So the same sized fish will eat each other?
Water parameters check out fine, I added some pond water the day before, maybe to much to fast... not sure. I had been using fresh RO filtered water, but read they do better in "green" water?
Where having some strange weater with thunderstorms, the rest of my fish have not spawned yet, (up here in the great white north) maybe the high pressure system will get them moving......
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
South/Western Ontario Canada
I took a hour (or two) and carfully siphoned out the dead fry from the bottom of the hatch tank, several hundered for sure.... maybe as many as 500.
They can definatly eat "bigger food" than I thought, i was mashing up some flake & pellets into powder, but tried it a little more "chunky" & they were grabbing it no prob, geuss they are getting bigger.
The only ones, that I see, with any spots or colour variation are the ones in the stock tank I had just noticed. They seem to be bigger for some reason.
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
Central Florida
Is your stock tank outside? If so, sunlight.

Also, if you can scrounge up algae from your pond, put it in with the fry. Well .... let me rethink that. Make sure it doesn't have any critters that will eat the fry first!
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
South/Western Ontario Canada
gardengimp said:
Is your stock tank outside? If so, sunlight.

Also, if you can scrounge up algae from your pond, put it in with the fry. Well .... let me rethink that. Make sure it doesn't have any critters that will eat the fry first!
No its the tank I winter some of my best koi on, inside me garage.
I did a quick estimate, over a hundred in the stock tank, i added some horn wart & started feeding heavy with baby brines.
I will have to get another sponge filter in there.
There are many of them that are much bigger than in the other tanks.
I dont get it, but I'll just be thankfull & except it! lol
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
South/Western Ontario Canada
Quick update, the babies are growing. There are definatly less of them, but the ones that are left are getting bigger & eating bigger food.
I would estimate I still have 800 or so. They still are not showing any markings or colours, but time will tell. I will try to get a few pics tomorrow & show you thier progress.
Still no sign of the rest of the koi in my pond spawning. We've had a number of cold snaps here over the last few weeks. Had a light frost last night if you can believe it.
So i hope to get the water temp back up & see some action soon. My interest in raising fry is high, so i have spawning material ready, & another large tank prepared to hatch out more eggs if I get the chance.
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
South/Western Ontario Canada
The young are looking much more like fish now @ 23 days old. Not nearly the number of them left that I started with, less than half for sure.
Definatly different sizes, some are groing very quickly, compared to others. All yellowish, or white/grey, very few with any "spots".
I'm not feeding as much brine shrimp as I was, using ground up flake food also, just trying to keep there little bellies full.
I think I would have been better off to throw them all in the 250g stock tank i grow waterplants in, as soon as they hatched, & forgot about them. lol
I have the original 60g hatch tank, a 20g, 30g & a big blue fiberglass stock tank (with 4" of water& a air stone) & the ones i've kinda neglected in the stock tank still seem to be doing the best.
All the attention I've been giving the fry, I've neglected my pond. I've never seen the water so cloudy. Did a big clean up & a water change this afternoon, hopefully get it back to normal soon. My lillies & lotus where late to surface this year & its getting to much sunlight.
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
South/Western Ontario Canada
Well the rest of my koi spawned last week & I managed to grab a lot more eggs & milt from several other fish. I have thousands of tiny little fry again. So I get to try this again< possibly with better results.
I was looking @ a lotus i have in my yard a few weeks ago, & noticed several 1" fish swimming in the dirty, non airated, hot, stinkin water. These were thrown in, by accident, when i had a huge # of fry die, & I dumped the dead ones in the pot for firtilizer (along with a few live ones, apparently). I fished 20 out of the pot, the biggest & nicest ones from the first hatch, that i have. un-real eh?!
Moral of the story...... I'm going to let Mother Nature do her thing with this new hatch. I'm putting 90% of them outside in "green" water, & let them fend for themselves, till there a inch long. Then I'll sort out the good ones.
I already took several hundred (maybe 1000) to a freind who has a small pond he grows plants only in, with no filtration. Hes going to throw a air stone in it & see what happens.

Most of the young i have frome the first hatch are not nice looking, lots of greyish, & solid yellows. Should i cull these ones out or wait & see if they change? I have no idea what to look for, any koi i've purchased has been 5" long or bigger, & obviously already nice looking. Any sugestions, i have prob 2 hundred from that first hatch. I'd say only 15-20 nicer ones @ this time.
I can prob afford to feed the ugly ones for a while longer! lol
Jul 11, 2007
Reaction score
Colorado - zone 5a
Hardiness Zone
We should set up a fry exchange :biggrin: Something I would love to find is a solid yellow with a few small black spots. I have bought several bright-yellow koi from the local stores, and every one of them have turned orange within a few weeks of being released outside.

I'm going to be watching for platinums in my fry. I have a pair of platinums I bought 2 years ago - a regular female and a butterfly male - who regularly spawn together. They were working the mops this month, so with any luck I'll have some eggs from them. However I know I will also have a mix of comet and shubunkin eggs in this batch, so it will be interesting trying to sort them all out.


Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
Oklahoma Panhandle USA
I skipped the last page of posts. But regarding fry care. They need the right food and they need clean water. Culling is important or you loose the entire lot to water quality issues. Or you can spreed them out but it takes a lot of water as they grow. Feed the culls to the adult fish. Quite a natural thing really.

If you are at all serious get some brine shrimp eggs and hatch them.. Fry should be feed several times a day. You can see the food in the fry's stomach.

Do LARGE water changes every day or two (as needed) with matched temperature and pH. . 10% is not worth the effort esp on fry. While you are there be sure to clean anything that settles to the bottom of the tank. Tank should only have 6 inches or so of water.

The stuff you add to the water to prevent fungus during hatching is methyl blue.

Here is what the fancy goldfish pros have to say. I expect the care is much same. Comes down to keeping them feed and the water clean.
Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
South/Western Ontario Canada
HTH said:
I skipped the last page of posts. But regarding fry care. They need the right food and they need clean water. Culling is important or you loose the entire lot to water quality issues. Or you can spreed them out but it takes a lot of water as they grow. Feed the culls to the adult fish. Quite a natural thing really.

If you are at all serious get some brine shrimp eggs and hatch them.. Fry should be feed several times a day. You can see the food in the fry's stomach.

Do LARGE water changes every day or two (as needed) with matched temperature and pH. . 10% is not worth the effort esp on fry. While you are there be sure to clean anything that settles to the bottom of the tank. Tank should only have 6 inches or so of water.

The stuff you add to the water to prevent fungus during hatching is methyl blue.

Here is what the fancy goldfish pros have to say. I expect the care is much same. Comes down to keeping them feed and the water clean.
I hatch 2 batches of brine shrimp / day, it's quite time consuming. & yes I do water changes like crazy, my wife thinks I'm nuts! lol
I will be doing a big cull as soon as there big enough, there only a week old, not quite sure what to throw out except for disformed fish.
Nobody can tell me what to look for in a small koi, 1" long. As far as colour, & markings.
The ones I have from the first hatch are 70% solid yellow, the rest are greyish, & yellow with dark/black blotches.


Jun 10, 2011
Reaction score
Oklahoma Panhandle USA
Have you tried decapsualizing the brine shrimp instead of hatching them. Process is easy enough strip the shells from the eggs with chlorine bleach then rinse with water.. Some say the eggs are more nutritious.


Dec 15, 2008
Reaction score
Michigan zone 5b
decapsulating brine shrimp eggs is more nutitious for two reasons their smaller, 1/3 the size so the fish can eat more, when fed as eggs , and the brineshrimp havent used any nutrients hatching out 'they still have an egg sack intact'.. but you can also hatchout decapsulated brine shrimp. they are also more nutritious because they will not have used much energy hatching.. and the fry are attracted to live foods. anyways you can soon switch over to brine shrimp flakes, and just crumble them to a powder. i just switched mine over from the live.... i feed atleast 10 - 12 times a day. its now 7:20 am and they have been fed twice today already.
heres a link to what i feed now.. http://www.ebay.com/itm/350605290165?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
heres what they'll be eating soon... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Brine-Shrim...Food-ONE-LB-/230370823980?hash=item35a32bcf2c

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