I applaud all of you that save your fry and give them a fighting chance. I don't have the space to house fry, nor the desire to have 100 babies to figure out what to do with at the end of the summer. LOL But, I sure love watching yours grow up.
You make some excellent points, Zman, thanks. I had goldfish and koi together, and decided to separate them so no cross breeding would happen. Didn't know about the fantails not intermingling with the koi. I guess I figured if a female spawned, the males are ready all the time, so either could have fertilized the eggs. You know, guys are always ready, girls have to be in the right "time".
That's why I figured likely to cross breed, but I am so excited to see your baby fantails. There is hope for them yet! I have 3 fantails that have been in my pond for 4 years now. How large or old are your fantails that spawned? Just curious if they have to be older or a certain size. I think Addy posted that her regular goldfish and Comets, 2-3" when put in the first year, spawned that same year. So did mine.