koikeepr said:that's an utsuri. They are one of my favorites, too, nigil. I've been on the hunt for a gin-rin hi utsuri for many years, and I've yet to find one with the perfect blend of black and red/orange to my liking.
My favorite one I've named Big Ben. He is a showa that is probably 14 inches. He is not the prettiest fish in the pond by any means, but he is the most lively. He seems to be the leader of the pack and he knows it, so I admire his personality more than his looks (tho he'd by no means not handsome). He's always the first to grab a bite of food, always the first to get anywhere....
koikeepr said:Yes, that is how my Big Ben is. He takes a nibble and then everyone else follows. Though I'm starting to think Big Ben might have to be renamed Big Bertha. All of a sudden I've noticed him rounding out. Could be eggs! He's only three years old, so........who knows!
This is pretty funny......My favorite is my first fish, black and bright yellow, BIG BEN. Must be a popular name LOL
I also like my frog, when I can catch a glimpse of him. He doesn't have a name yet.