Hello, I am back here asking for help with plumbing. Below is my plan and please let me know any suggestions.
First some correction on the pool size: pool is 28'x15' about 400 sqft and has 12000 gallons. The current pump is intellipro variable speed with 3600~7500GPH, with 2'' inlet and outlet. The current plumbing is 1.5'' skimmer + 1.5'' bottom drain -> (2'') pump -> cartridge filter -> chlorine generator -> pool return. I plan to build a 8'x10'x2' pea gravel bog on the pool deck. Water overflow back to the pool.
1. If I re-use the pool's pump, do I direct all the water to the bog? or it would be better to only direct part of them to the bog and the rest to the pool return jets? There is 100ft distance from the pump to the bog, would this be a big problem? I plan to adapt the 2'' to 3'' and run a flex PVC for 100ft. Then adapt to 2'' and run to the bottom of the pea gravel bog.
2. If I were to add a new (self priming) pump (I plan to use PerformancePro 3/4 HP Artesian2 High Flow Pump 8,880 GPH), I'll run a 3'' flex PVC from water to the bog. I'm not clear on how to do the plumbing. Do I need to pre-filter the water using a skimmer? Do I just place the inlet pipe in the middle of the water? Do I need to add a retro bottom drain and connect to the pump?
3. which way is better, (as in 1) replumbing the pool pump, half go to the bog and half go to the pool return, or keep the current plumbing, use pool pump for recirculation only and add a new pump to pump the water to the bog.
Thank you!